Kick Your Career Goals By Connecting Face-to-Face

Kick Your Career Goals By Connecting Face-to-Face
February 29, 2024 Construction People

When contemplating a job change, the urge to gather extensive information before applying and meeting with a company is understandable. However, this approach won’t assist in making informed decisions. If you truly want to kick your career goals, the most critical aspect of any job search process is the value of meeting with prospective employers face-to-face.

Kick career goals - meet employer face-to-face

Let’s explain

When looking at position descriptions, they tend to follow a standardised format across companies, offering only a general overview of the role. They lack the detail needed to understand the nuances between different businesses, such as the key priorities for one company compared to another, the critical tasks that define the role’s success, or the primary responsibilities that constitute the majority of the position.

So, when we ask a client for a more detailed job brief, they will generally say something along the lines of “It’s an ‘X’ project, where you’ve got these team members, and ‘XYZ’ will be the salary range, and they plan to train the CA to become a PM, and yes, they offer flexibility / work-from-home (WFH) options”.

But is this giving you enough nuanced information to make an informed decision? Short answer – ‘no’. There’s no mention of the more important questions you may have, such as what the career progression actually entails. How will the CA be trained to become a PM, or Foreman to become a Site Manager, and what is the timeframe? What is their interpretation of flexibility and WFH options within their organisation? Do they match what you require?

These aspects mean different things to different companies and managers, which you won’t find in a job brief or position description or on a company’s website. It’s something for a one-on-one conversation between you and the business. The answers to these questions are highly dependent on you as an individual and where you’re at in your career, what the company’s work environment is like, and how exactly they go about providing opportunities for their staff.

career goals from face-to-face meetings

The real risk

Delaying applying to prospective employers can risk you losing out on great opportunities. Naturally, the opportunity must be in the ballpark of what you are interested in, but it doesn’t have to tick absolutely every box at the earlier stages of the process, and you won’t know how many it will tick until you apply and then meet with the people / company.

Meeting face-to-face provides you with deeper insights as to whether you will have a good connection with the people you will be working with. It also grants you the opportunity to articulate your priorities, such as defining your expectations, whether that is for flexible work arrangements, career progression etc, and to ascertain if they align with the company’s offerings.

Furthermore, just because your criteria won’t work for one business doesn’t mean it won’t work for another business. You won’t find these things out unless you apply for the role with the goal of meeting with the business.

The bottom line – take action!

In essence, the key takeaway is that it’s not worth losing out on opportunities while waiting on additional information that will never be comprehensive enough to form the basis of your decision. So, don’t hold back with applying and waiting for further information.

The reality is that you’ll have a much better outcome if you meet with a few companies before deciding on any job because you’ll have more information and points of comparison.

Also, remember that you have the option to politely decline if the job doesn’t align with your preferences at the time. Attending a meeting doesn’t obligate you to accept a job offer. However, it can lead to unforeseen opportunities and valuable connections on your career path. For instance, individuals you meet may transition to other businesses that interest you due to their projects or other factors, and they will likely remember you from your meeting with them.

Looking for your next construction job? Search our current construction roles here, or to chat with our team about securing your next opportunity, get in contact with us through our Contact Us page.

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