A collection of our knowledge of the built environment – including industry insights, updates & career advice.
The Power of the Performance Review
Do you dread your performance review? Or do you view it as a great opportunity to get the salary or promotion you are seeking? We look at various ways you can approach your performance review in a procative manner.
Construction PeopleBeing Smart About Salary Expectations
You won’t get more salary just because you want more salary. Find out how to be smart about your salary expectations so that you don’t risk pricing yourself out of the market! Articulate your value.
Construction PeopleChange Resilience and Your Next Opportunity
Change resilience – learn how to embrace change, build confidence and work with change for your next opportunity and to progress your career. We share how to use change to your advantage!
Construction PeopleMultiple Job Offers – Benefits of Transparency?
Are you selling yourself short when considering multiple job offers? Is there risk attached to being transparent? Read on as we discuss what could be a missed opportunity!
Construction PeopleWould You Reduce Salary in Exchange for Time?
Time vs money. Many in the construction industry are negotiating their benefits and salaries and we asked in a poll how they would feel about less pay for fewer days. Read on to see the interesting results!
Construction PeopleNegotiating Benefits – Top Tips
Aside from salary, we are often asked by candidates about the best way to go about negotiating benefits with a prospective employer. Benefits are more than the standard package on offer. We share our top tips on what to do, and not to do.
Construction PeopleHow Much Information Is Enough Information?
Candidates want more information than ever about a job before they are willing to meet with a business. BUT how much information is enough information before you risk losing out on great opportunities?
Construction PeopleEmployment Statistics And What Employers Want
What is happening in our current market with employment in the construction industry? We take a look at some employment statistics and also what employers want. Find out more here…
Construction PeopleBe Job Ready
The unemployment rate is at an all-time historical low. This means that a lot more jobs are being advertised, but there are fewer candidates to fill them at the same rate we’ve seen in previous years. We look at why you need to be job ready!
Construction PeopleBehavioural Interview Questions – How Do I Respond?
One thing we come across a lot, is candidates wondering what the difference is between behavioural interview questions versus ‘general’ interview questions and how best to prepare for them. We take a look…
Construction PeopleAnalysis Paralysis – How Do I Choose the Right Job Offer?
Are you finding you’re overthinking multiple job offers and struggling to decide? How do you choose the right job offer? Read on about analysis paralysis and one sure fire way to overcome it and make your decision!
Construction PeopleNegotiating Salary During The Interview Process
How do you negotiate salary during the interview process? How do you justify your salary expectations? How do you determine fair value? Read more to see how you can articulate value to a company!
Construction PeopleSEQ & Northern NSW Floods – Important and Useful Links
We have compiled some useful links for people and businesses affected by the 2022 SEQ and Northern NSW flood events. Our aim is to help you find information and assistance a bit quicker in the one spot.
Construction PeopleIndustrialised Construction : Good News or Bad?
Construction companies are experiencing a shortage of staff and a shortage of skilled labour due to the pandemic. Read our article about how the industrialisation of construction is changing the landscape.
Construction PeopleWhat Defines an Employer of Choice?
People talk about employer of choice all the time, but what does that mean in the construction industry? ? We offer the top five considerations from an employee’s perspective. Read on to find out more!
Construction PeopleHow to Australianise Your Resume
How to Australianise your resume? Sounds controversial, doesn’t it? The reality is though, that many migrants are being overlooked for jobs even if they are highly skilled. We share a couple of tips to overcome this barrier.
Construction PeopleNew In Construction : Build-To-Rent
A new development model in Australia called build-to-rent is on the horizon opening the door to sustainable construction opportunities and jobs. Review the projects here.
Construction PeopleThe Year in Review – Job Market Statistics
We take a moment to look at the year in review regarding common questions about staff movements and construction job market statistics. Read what the numbers have to say!
Construction PeopleWhere to From Here for Construction Post Pandemic?
The impacts of Covid have hit far and wide. So where to from here for construction post-pandemic? The vision is to bring construction stakeholders together for a more sustainable and progressive industry.
Construction PeopleChanging Construction Jobs – How to Make the Best Decision?
What’s happening in today’s job market? The 2021 construction job market is the busiest we’ve seen in years. Read on to be ready for making decisions on your next construction job change!
Construction PeopleConstruction Industry Zero-Carbon Changes and Jobs
The debate for reducing carbon emissions has extended to the construction industry. What does this mean for construction jobs? Now is the time to start thinking about and preparing for what is to come.
Construction PeopleHere’s a look at the new developments proposed for the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games.
Securing the 2032 Olympic Games will not only put Brisbane on the global map, but the cities infrastructure will also benefit over the next 11 years.
Construction PeopleHow has Covid impacted construction salaries over the last 12 months?
Here’s a look into the pandemic’s impact on construction salaries over the last 12 months and what we expect to see change (if anything) over the coming months.
Ian RichardsonRecord education budget will support the economic recovery of QLD’s construction industry.
The Recovery Plan includes a $15.3 billion investment into the education sector, with $1.4 billion of that spending contributing to maintaining, renewing and building new facilities in South-East Queensland.
Construction PeopleWorking in a Large Builder vs a Smaller Builder: the Pros and Cons (part 2 of 2)
For part 2 of our discussion on the pros and cons of working in each of the different tiered builders, we’re taking a look at your smaller builders.
Todd RichardsonWorking in a Large Builder vs a Smaller Builder: the Pros & Cons (part 1 of 2)
Large builder vs smaller builder: what are the benefits of working in each? In our opinion, this is CRUCIAL information to know when choosing your next employer. Why? Because there are variables in each. And some of these variables will align better with certain personalities and career goals than others.
Todd RichardsonHow to enhance your job search using the WIIFM Principle
In its simplest form, WIIFM is a guiding principle used to engage a target audience by answering the question that drives most of our decision making: what’s in it for me?
Todd RichardsonWhere will we see job demand in the commercial construction sector in 2021?
Queensland’s commercial construction sector experienced a state of uncertainty in 2020 as a result of the pandemic and the lack of stimulus injected by the QLD Government to support private sector projects.
Construction PeopleNew Toowong Development ‘The Aviary’ will create hundreds of construction jobs in 2021.
The development of a $450 million mixed-use precinct in Toowong was given the green light in October and it will create hundreds of local jobs in the construction phase.
Construction PeopleStanding Out in a Job Short Market
You may have noticed that securing a role in construction right now is hard. It’s not impossible, but it’s hard. If you’re looking for work right now you need to think, more than ever before, about how you’re going to stand out in the rising sea of applications we’re receiving.
Ian Richardson
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